Svelte, or rather SvelteKit is what is compiling and rendering this journal.
I first learned JavaScript by reading Eloquent JavaScript back in the day. It remains an excellent book, and free to the reader (always a benefit, in my opinion). Reading that book gave me enough skill to be able to get my first job in tech, a story I won't go into very deeply here just yet.
There are so many ways to do the same exact thing in the realm of web development. I have always had a preference for normal Vanilla JavaScript as much as possible, but can certainly appreciate when something is built thoughtfully. Svelte feels so much like Vanilla, but with some extra nice toppings where it makes sense.
Angular was the first framework which first showed me the magic which was possible in web development, but it felt too far away from coding normal JavaScript. I had to learn all sorts of conventions, file types, coding patterns. It was a whole lot to keep straight. Svelte feels like a breath of fresh air in comparison.
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